Useful advices related to selecting nation's strategy.Explanation of basic country management mechanics.'General advices chapter' containing information about each aspect of gameplay.In the guide you will also find ' General advices' chapter in which you will find advices useful no matter which scenario you select and which nation you will control. In military sections you will find commentary related to all unit types available in the game and advices related to waging war. Economy chapters contain a compendium of knowledge about securing a good base for military actions and overall welfare of citizens.
Politics and diplomacy chapters focus on strengthening position of your country in the arena of international politics. Other chapters focus on all basic parts of the gameplay. In the guide you will also find description of most interesting nations selected by the developers and helpful advices related to selecting a side of the conflict. Each chapter presents gameplay differences and gives you advices helpful in starting the campaign and being successful in the global conflict. In separate chapters of the guide you will find information about specific scenarios available in the game. It also contains useful advices related to all aspects of the game's campaign.
This unofficial guide for Hearts of Iron IV contains all necessary information helpful during the first hours of the game.